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Fishing Time! Danube Delta Predator Challenge in Romania!

joi, 9 ianuarie 2020   |   6664   afişări   

100 teams of anglers from Europe will compete in April, in the Danube Delta, in the largest fishing competition for predators from the boat organized so far in Romania. Participants will benefit from the services of Lebada Luxuary Resort & SPA, the host of this event, throughout the all competition days


For the first time in Romania and the Danube Delta will score all four representative species of predators, pike, zander, asp and perch, in a simple and efficient system, catch & photo / video & release so that all the fish caught will immediately return unharmed in their natural environment. In terms of prizes, again the premiere in Romania, their value will exceed 50,000 euros, the prizes consisting of boats, thermal and electric motors, fishing equipment, gadgets.


All participants will have a chance of winning, at the end of the competition, after the winners are awarded, dozens of prizes will be awarded in the raffle/tombola system by drawing lots. The participation fee is 700 euros / team and includes accommodation, full board, bar, transfer and other 5-star surprise services offered by Lebada Luxuary Resort & SPA. The surprises do not stop here, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Poker Fest will organize Poker Tournaments at Lebada Luxuary Resort location. From the media point of view, the event's exposure will benefit TV, Radio, online TV, specialty websites and live studios.


Period: 1-4 April 2020
Location: Danube Delta, Crisan
Organizer: Tackle Arena, Lebada Luxury Resort & SPA, Liga Romana de Spinning
Sponsors: Net Bet, Lebada Luxuary Resort & SPA, Garmin, Lucky John, Relax Lures, GoPro, Huawei, Daiwa, Bergenbier, Tudor Tailor, Humminbird, Minn Kota, Rebelcell, Berti Lures, ASAVA Custom Rods, Gabie Custom Rods, Octavian Torescu Custom Rods, Moscot, Hymalaia.
Media: Digi24, Antena 1, ProTv, Capital TV, Radio Romania News, Fishing & Hunting TV,
Event host - MC: Mihai Bobonete (Bobo)
Maximum teams admitted: 100

Participation fee:
The value of the participation fee: 700 euros / team or 3500 lei / team

Participation fee includes accommodation, full meals, drinks, transfer and other 5 star surprise services offered by Lebada Luxuary Resort & SPA.

The fee does not apply to the invited teams.

The teams of two fishermen who paid the participation fee and signed the regulation received from the organizer are entered in the competition.

Payment of the competition fee:
LEI account: RO56 BTRL 0020 1205 T155 82XX
West Spinning Brigade Sports Fishing Club
Banca Transilvania SA - Arad Branch.
EURO account in only for foreign citizens!
EURO account: RO97 UGBI 0000 1420 0690 1EUR
Relax Spinning Expert SRL
GARANTIBANK-Suc Berceni Bank
Mention: DANUBE DELTA + team name
1st place - 15000 euro (Spider X boat)
2nd place - 10000 euro
(Black Sea boat + 20 hp engine + MinnKota Power Drive + Rebelcell battery)
3rd place - 5000 euro

Raffle prizes worth over 20000 euros consisting of: fishing equipment, boat equipment and accessories, sunglasses, costumes, mobile phones, action video camera, shopping vouchers, discount vouchers, fishing trips vouchers in Romania and abroad, etc.
Event schedule:

Wednesday - April 1st

08.00 Teams reception, accommodation
09.00 Start official training
17.00 Final official training
18.00 Technical session
19.00 - 20.00 Expo fishing articles, workshop, live broadcasts
20.00 - 21.00 Festive meal, open bar, themed evening
21.00 Texas Holdem Seat and Go + Rebuy by Poker Fest Tournament

Thursday - April 2

08.00 Team registration / Distribution of measurement boards
09.00 Start Round 1
17.00 End of the Round 1
17:00 - 18.00 Delivery of measuring boards / video cards - Reception Lebada
18.00 - 20.00 Expo fishing articles, workshop, broadcasts and live interviews
20.00 - 21.00 Festive meal, open bar, themed evening
21.00 Texas Holdem Seat and Go + Rebuy by Poker Fest Tournament

Friday - April 3

08.00 Distribution of measuring boards
09.00 Start Round 2
17.00 End of the Round 2
17:00 - 18.00 Delivery measuring plates / video cards - Reception Lebada
18.00 - 20.00 Expo fishing articles, workshop, broadcasts and live interviews
20.00 - 21.00 Festive meal, open bar, themed evening
21.00 Main Event, Texas Holdem Tournament Re-entry Tournament by Poker Fest

Saturday - April 4

10.00 Displaying results
10.00 - 11.00 Appeals
11.00 Winners festivity, sponsor presentations, raffle prizes, interviews, live broadcasts, watching winning team’s video’s
13.00 Festive Lunch
Paticipant info
The contest takes place in teams of two fishermen, from the boat, predator fishing, in the Danube Delta over a radius of 25km around Crisan, the exact perimeter to be established by the organizer until the date of the contest. All boats will be equipped with GPS organizer.

Fishing (training) in the competition area is allowed until March 31, 2020.
Obtaining and paying the fishing permits, tourist access and boat in the ARBDD, enters into the obligations of each participant. During the entire competition the boats will be parked in the area delimited by the organizer, non-stop guarded area by the Lebada Luxuary Resort security personnel.

It is allowed to go to the shore only in case of emergency, the announcement of the organizer being mandatory. Onshore fishing is not allowed. In situations of unavailability of any member of the team due to medical causes or objective situations it is possible for the teams to compete individually the scoring conditions remain unchanged.

The organizer / referees can selectively check, at any time, the competitors' boats, before and during the competition. At the same time, during the competition, the organizer has the right to place on the competitors' boats a person, referee or media, for the entire duration of the competition.

In order to gain possession of the prizes, except for the final raffle, the winners are obliged to have the video camera with which to film during the entire contest. Fish that do not appear on the video will not be validated. Video cards will be delivered every day along with the measuring rules.

If the team members do not hold a boat driver's license, it is allowed another boat driver / skipper – from Lebada Resort. The driver / skipper is not allowed to fish or use the fishing equipment, rods, lures, maneuvering over the fish or fishing tackle, his duties are strictly limited to drive the boat.

Point system / competition rules

The score is made from the 10 largest fish caught from the species: pike - 40cm, zander - 40cm, asp - 30cm, perch - 20cm.

The ranking is made in the order of the total of the centimeters accumulated in the two rounds, of maximum 10 fish, 1 centimeter = 1 point. Each species (pike, zander, asp, perch) receives a bonus of 100 points. The bonus is granted after the teams has 10 fish, no matter the species.

The ranking is made in the order of the total of the centimeters accumulated in the two rounds, of maximum 10 fish, each cm representing 1 point. In case of equality, the biggest fish it counts, if the continuous equality counts the next biggest if necessary.

The fish are measured on the ruler/measuring board offered by the organizer, photographed in the position indicated on the ruler, and the photos are sent in real time on the application / site of the contest for validation. In each round, the measuring ruler will have a different sticker, pasted by the organizers, at the handing / receiving of the rulers.

Each caught fish that scores must be filmed from the position on the ruler until the moment of release with the mobile phone, the filming being compulsory to access the prizes.

The intentional sending of a photo with the same fish already scored is considered fraudulent attempt. Each photo received on the application / site will be analyzed by the organizer / chief referees for approval for inclusion in the general classification. Photos that do not comply with the regulations can be rejected.

The transfer of catches between competing teams or other persons is forbidden, in this case the teams will be disqualified and will be subject to the articles in the "Special Rules" section.

It is allowed to use all the lures that are launched by their own weight, also texas, carolina, drop-shot mounts, it is not allowed to use natural baits and artificial fly fishing lures.

Each team member can fish with only one rod. Competitors can have an unlimited number of reserve rods on the boat.

Trolling fishing is not permitted.

Dead fish or poor survival conditions (blood, broken gills, broken mouths) will not be scored. Competitors are not allowed to keep / sacrifice any fish whether or not the species scores in the competition. All the fish are released alive, in the best conditions.
Data protection

After paying the fee, each team has the obligation to send the email addresses and contact phone numbers of the two members. The registration for the competition is validated after signing the regulation received in electronic form by email. Data protection will be done in accordance with Regulation 679/2016 of the European Parliament on the protection of personal data.

The competitors agree that the images (photo, video, sound) with them will be published for the purpose of advertising on various channels, television, radio, websites, facebook, etc.

Safety rules

During the competition, the rules of the ARBDD waterway rules, also the prohibition of driving the boats under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs is applied. In this case, the competitors may be disqualified. During the competition, the competitors can be checked selectively by the organizer or ARBDD, Police staff.

In case of adverse weather conditions that endanger the safety of the competitors, the organizer may suspend or delay the competition.

To avoid accidents, the teams will start at the referee's signal in groups of 10 boats. For each group there will be a start signal, in the first round in the order of registration, in the second hand in reverse order.

Teams can be formed from two adults or one adult and one minor. In the case of the minor, a statement of consent of the parent or legal guardian must be presented. The driver of the boat is responsible for any incident that happened on the boat, the wearing of life jackets is mandatory.

Special rules

The teams of two fishermen who paid the participation fee and signed the regulation are entered in the competition.

Each team that tries to fraud in the competition will be immediately disqualified and will have to pay a fine in the amount of the main prize for 1st place, 15000 euro.
In justified cases, violation of the regulation, exceeding the competition area, inadequate physical or verbal contacts between competitors or other violated fair play rules, the participants can be disqualified by the organizer without being refunded the participation fee.

Any situation that in not specified in the regulation will be solved on the spot by the organizer.

Facebook page event:

Accommodation & Boat rental:

Lebada Luxury Resort & Spa:
Tel: 0040720535844

Robert Boanta
Tel: 0040788523010

Ciprian Hrisca
Tel: 0040723272777

Andy Arif
Tel: 0040722237707


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