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Ultima modificare: 29.05.2018
pop-up fumigena senzor

Vrei sa pescuiesti in Suedia si Norvegia?

marți, 30 ianuarie 2018   |   6123   afişări   

Ce ne poate determina să abandonăm confortul pescuitului în propria țară, pentru ape şi locuri cu care nu suntem familiarizaţi? Putem formula o serie de răspunsuri valabile datorită conjuncturii nefaste în care se găseşte fondul piscicol autohton, care suferă din cauza presiunii excesive exercitate de factorul uman prin încălcarea sistematică a legilor din acest domeniu, însă motivul fundamental a fost generat, cel puţin în cazul meu, de curiozitate şi de dorinţa de a căuta noi experienţe. Scandinavia a fost prezentată întotdeauna, indiferent de autor ori de context, ca o adevărată rezervaţie naturală la nivel macro, un spaţiu feeric netulburat de efectele nocive ale societăţii moderne, puternic industrializate, locul care atrage pescari, adică oameni în căutarea echilibrului şi a rezonanței cu natura.


Densitatea redusă a populaţiei raportată la vasta reţea hidrografică de care dispune peninsula, respectul oamenilor faţă de mediul înconjurător şi nu în ultimul rând condiţiile climatice speciale, favorabile dezvoltării faunei, determină o calitate ridicată a apelor din această regiune a continentului. Chiar dacă în ultimul deceniu turismul de pescuit este şi aici într-o continuă expansiune, acest fenomen nu afectează câtuşi de puţin fondul piscicol al zonei, datorită regulilor impuse de autorităţile din domeniu, reguli pe care toată lumea le respectă. Mirajul întâlnirii unor exemplare deosebite, fie că ne referim la ştiuci, bibani ori salmonide, într-un cadru natural cu totul special, dublat de posibilitatea de a pescui pe întreaga durată a unei zile atunci când facem deplasarea în proximitatea solstiţiului de vară, construiesc împreună scenariul ideal de expediţie pentru oricare dintre adepţii pescuitului cu năluci.

Gjefsjøen Fjellgård - Gjefsjøen Fjellgård, 7760 Snåsa, Norway





Prima mea experienţă de pescuit în afara României a avut ca destinaţie Gjefsjøen Fjellgård, o fermă de munte care deţine posibilităţi de cazare, situată într-o zonă pitorească, bogată în lacuri şi râuri cu păstrăvi şi lipani, în Norvegia. Cele cinci zile de pescuit efectiv au fost suficiente pentru a ne demonstra bogăţia şi diversitatea mediului acvatic, practic am trăit în permanenţă sentimentul că puteam prinde exact atâţia păstrăvi câţi ne doream.


În contextul unor temperaturi mai ridicate faţă de normalul perioadei (a doua jumătate a lunii iunie), insectele erau deja ieşite, motiv pentru care păstrăvii se hrăneau aproape de suprafaţă, fiind de cele mai multe ori prezenţi în apropierea peliculei. Am abordat mai multe lacuri şi râuri, utilizând în mare măsură oscilante mici şi grele, stilul de pescuit fiind unul foarte dinamic, cu recuperări rapide, accelerări şi jerkuiri ale nălucilor, urmate de scurte pauze în care, de cele mai multe ori, surveneau atacurile.

Pescuind în special de la mal (4 din cele 5 zile) pe nişte ape extrem de limpezi, lungimea lanseului şi, de asemenea, fineţea ansamblului nălucă/agrafă/fir deveneau astfel condiţii esenţiale pentru a obţine rezultatele aşteptate. Atât în cazul lipanilor (capturaţi exclusiv pe râuri), cât şi în cel al păstrăvilor, nălucile care au funcţionat cu un randament ridicat au fost fie din cupru pentru perioadele cu soare puternic (lumină puternică), fie cele vopsite în culori stridente pentru perioadele cu nori ori ploaie (luminozitate scăzută).



 Dificultatea condiţiilor climatice din Norvegia (temperatura scăzută, vânt şi ploi), dublată de terenul accidentat, continuu umed şi dificil de parcurs, impun folosirea unui echipament specific (salopetă/waders şi încălţăminte impermeabilă, îmbrăcăminte termoizolantă care să ofere totodată mobilitate ridicată). Pe lângă aceste neajunsuri, cea mai mare provocare o reprezintă necesitatea adaptării organismului la cele 24 de ore de lumină ale unei zile, ce implică activitatea continuă a păstrăvilor.

Hedesunda Camping - Övägen 68, 810 40 Hedesunda, Sweden





Sörljusne - Malmvägen, 820 20 Ljusne, Sweden


Destinaţia din 2015 a fost Hedesunda Camping, o tabără de vacanţă situată la o distanţă de aproximativ 140 de kilometri nord faţă de Stockholm. Acest resort care oferă o paletă mai largă de activităţi outdoor, printre care şi pescuitul, este poziţionat pe insula Ön, aflată pe unul dintre numeroasele lacuri formate de-a lungul râului Dalälven. Expediţia nu a însemnat numai un pescuit cu echipament specific destinat ştiucilor record ori bibanilor uriaşi, ci şi o nouă oportunitate de întâlnire cu minunaţii pistruiaţi care populează apele limpezi şi reci ale Nordului. De această dată am căutat păstrăvii pe râul Ljusnan, într-o zonă mai uşor accesibilă, situată la o distanţă de aproximativ 100 de kilometri nord faţă de locul în care eram cazaţi.


În perioada de recunoaştere am observat un detaliu decisiv pentru capturarea exemplarelor reprezentative. Absolut toate ştiucile cu dimensiuni mari au fost prinse pe doar câteva dintre sutele de platouri invadate de vegetaţie prezente pe acest lac. Numitorul comun al acestor platouri productive era vecinătatea cu albia râului Dalälven...

Primele două-trei zile pline am practicat un pescuit de tatonare, preferând să cuprindem cât mai mult din suprafaţa impresionantă a lacului şi să abordăm majoritatea locurilor cu aparent potenţial. În acest interval am reuşit să identificăm câteva platouri productive, cu apă mică şi înţesate de ţipirig, pe care le-am exploatat corespunzător. Din aceste mici zone de hrănire şi pândă am capturat, fotografiat şi eliberat toate ştiucile de peste un metru. Nălucile cele mai potrivite în contextul prezentat au fost fie spinnerbaiturile cu palete supradimensionate, fie plasticele moi de dimensiuni mari, montate pe cârlige de tip offset nelestate. Pentru a amplifica agresivitatea prezentărilor, am preferat să montăm suplimentar pe spinnerbaituri cârlige de trailer potrivite pentru năluci soft cu dimensiuni cuprinse între 10 şi 15 centimetri. Cu astfel de combo spinnerbait/soft bait am capturat absolut toate ştiucile importante ale expediţiei.

Sonfjallscampen - Hedeviken 250, 840 93 Hedeviken, Jämtlands Län, Sweden





Hedesunda Camping - Övägen 68, 810 40 Hedesunda, Sweden





Anul acesta, la Hedesunda, am întâlnit condiţii de pescuit diferite comparativ cu experienţa precedentă. Ştiucile mari nu mai erau grupate pe platourile cu apă mică, preferând pragurile abrupte care formează albia râului Dalälven, zone din care am capturat şi bibanii mari. Surpriza a fost constituită însă de experienţa capturării primelor exemplare de șalău în Suedia, dintre care un trofeu de peste 90 de centimetri. Pe lângă Hedesunda Camping am introdus în itinerarul expediţiei a doua destinaţie pentru cazare: Sonfjallscampen.



Această locaţie este destinată în mare măsură pescuitului la păstrăv, fiind situată la o distanţă de aproximativ 500 de kilometri nord-vest faţă de Stockholm. După ce am studiat harta, am decis să abordăm tronsonul de apă aflat sub unul dintre barajele de pe acest râu. Aici am trăit cea mai importantă partidă de pescuit, reuşind să capturez şi să eliberez, după driluri inimaginabile în curentul puternic al râului Ljusnan, două exemplare de păstrăv, care, din spusele gazdei noastre, rivalizează cu trofeele capturate de-a lungul timpului în această zonă.


Expediţiile de pescuit în ţările nordice pot fi considerate la o primă vedere foarte costisitoare, însă în realitate lucrurile nu stau deloc aşa cum ne-am putea imagina. Costurile pentru o astfel de aventură, care includ bilete de avion cu bagaj atipic (tub pentru echipamentul de pescuit), închiriere maşină (inclusiv combustibil), cazare, permis de pescuit, închiriere barcă cu motor (inclusiv combustibil) şi diverse alte cheltuieli (mâncare, apă etc.) pot varia, pentru o durată calculată de o săptămână, între 600 şi 800 de euro/persoană (pentru optimizarea bugetului este ideală o echipă formată din patru oameni). Dacă vom face un simplu calcul pentru o excursie de pescuit similară în Delta Dunării, pe una dintre incintele destinate pescuitului ştiucii (singurele zone ferite de braconaj şi exploatare intensivă), o să constatăm că bugetul necesar pentru aceeaşi durată va fi mai mare decât cel pentru Suedia ori Norvegia.



Pescuitul la păstrăv pe râuri de mari dimensiuni cu debite puternice, aşa cum sunt majoritatea celor existente în Suedia, conduce la utilizarea unui echipament diferit de cel uzual, uşor supradimensionat, începând de la puterea de aruncare a lansetei şi terminând cu dimensiunea şi greutatea nălucilor.

Daca esti interesant si de competitii, citeste si articolul de mai jos, poate participi si tu la Lapland Pike 2019.

“Lapland Pike fishing competition is intended to give maximum freedom to the competitors. with a huge fishing area and free placing of the boats and at the same time introduce the fast growing kayak fishing to North Sweden. The area is easy to access with plenty of roads, paths and places accessible by car and trailer. In the river Umeälven You will find plenty of big pike and perch.”



This was the first message that made us join this competition in Sweden. Also we accepted the invitation because the event was organized by Greger Jonsson powered by Lycsele community. In the past, in 2007 and 2009, I participated in some similar fishing competition organized by Greger in Lapland, Sweden and Norway, for pike fishing, trout and sea trout. A lot of good memories from then still hunted me for years, now I was able to come back for a good refresh.


So, our Romanian delegation was formed very quickly, here we are:


Andrei Sava –  World Champion FIPS in Russia 2017, rod builder at A-Sava, content media manager on WSB TV and


Robert Boanta – World Champion FIPS in Russia 2017, fishing tackle producer and distributor for Relax, Fudo, 4Predators,


Andy Arif – competition angler, content editor on Fishing For All magazine and, travel agent


Bogdan Doncea – competition angler, fishing media author, sound manager TFM music


Cristian Albu – TV Host at Fishing and Hunting Television, predator angler, web designer 


Florian Niturad – Cameraman at Fishing and Hunting Television, competition rally driver


Before joining the competition, we visited Dorotea lake, the next location for Lapland Pike 2019. We discovered a very big beautiful wild lake with a lot of pikes and perch, guided by Lennart Ottosson. Despite the bad weather and lazy fish after a very hot summer, we managed to catch same nice pikes and perches. The record was caught by Cristi Albu, one 104 cm pike.

The good (big) fish were standing on 6-8 meters depth, the best way for fishing was trolling. We mixed trolling with spinning fishing, you will see soon new video materials and information's from our trip to Dorotea lake.


Now, back to our fishing trip, after two days at Dorotea, with more than 35 rods, 35 reels and more than 70 kg of lures we registered in Kattisavan for Lapland Pike 2018 with three teams, RapitoriMania (Andy and Bogdan), WSB (Robert and Andrei) and Delta Spinning (formed by Razvan Negreanu and Florin Voicu, that joined us later). 32 teams (boats and kayak) tried for two days to catch the biggest 5 pikes over 70 cm in the Umealven river.  

Competition rules were simple and relaxing, more like a friendly meeting. When one team is catching a pike over 70 cm, it must measure it on the board received, make a photo and send it to the organizers Jessica and Roine Oberg. Simple and efficient.

We had also a Whatsapp group for the communication with all the competitors/organizers and live results on with the fish caught. And a lot of fun between us, the anglers, on the group as you can see in the photos.

In the training day we discovered that all the pikes stay on 2-3 m depth with vegetation, but we had just a few places like this in the area were our boats was located. We couldn’t go too far on the main river, because of our short boats powered with small engines. Seeing the weather prognosis with rain and big wind gusts, we decided to fish only on the area we were located, knowing that all the big fish are in the main river.


After the first round, in the evening we had a nice friendly gala dinner, with lectures from Robert Westin (Kayak fishing guide in Sweden) and Miguel Sanz (fishing guide in Spain and Worldwide) all finished with a live band music formation.

We all looked at the big fish photos caught during the competition day. Our pikes were too small, so we fall asleep with big hopes and dreams for the next day.
Anyway, we had a lot of fun, we catch a lot of fish, but didn’t found any big ones over 90 cm. In the last day of the competition the wind blowed us with 50 km/hour power plus 70 km gusts in my opinion. We finished the competition earlier, safety first… fishing after.

Winners and prizes!


All the teams received two Strike Pro lures from CWC-AB, Buster Jerk and Pig Shad, probably the best lures in Sweden and Europe for big pikes.


The winning team: Alexander Östlund and Anton Nilsson from team En Ständig Besvikelse 1.5. Alexander and Anton caught a total of 505 cm (wow, sum of the five longest pikes). They received three boxes of lures from 4Predators and 7000 SEK. Alexander Östlund, who caught the longest pike during the competition, 118 cm, received a custom built rod from A-Sava.


The winners in the best opposite class, kayak, was Jakub Kabat and Mascha Mrskoč from the kayak team Kámen&Kámen from Czeck Republic. All the kayak teams had a rough competition with hard winds, waves, and gusts of up to 20m/s, which makes their contribution very impressive. Jakub and Mascha received three boxes of lures from 4Predators.

Final rankings


“Thanks are all the best competitors ever. Feels more like a group of friends gathering then a competition. I got a suggestion from a Check competitor with experience from a pike competition on the continent. All prices were on lottery. The winning team got the honor only and joined the rest of the group in the lottery of prices. In that way all "negative" potential competition elements are gone and it's more of a pike festival. Something to discuss among you competitors for the future.” Greger Jonsson – organizer


111 cm pike!

Competition ended and we still didn’t catch our swedes pikes over 100 cm, so for the last day we went again for fishing, this time downstream Kattisavan. The biggest pike was landed by Bogdan Doncea and it had not less than 111 cm. Boom!

Finally we all had good fish thanks to Kenneth Klintefelt, our guide at Umgransele.

In the end...

Even if the upper video is in Romanian language you can see our top 3 lures used in Sweden for pikes, a lot of toys for big boys. See you all and more next year at Laplandpike 2019 in Dorotea, Sweden.

Until then stay tuned on,, more materials from this expedition to come!
Andy Arif


Lapland Pike fishing competition is intended to give maximum freedom to the competitors. with a huge fishing area and free placing of the boats and at the same time introduce the fast growing kayak fishing to Northern Sweden. Sponsors update!

Strike Pro Lures

Every team participating in Lapland Pike will receive two lures provided by Strike Pro.

In over 40 years, through our active involvement with our agents, Strike Pro has continuously improved and developed “THE BEST” lures and fishing relate products to meet ever change market, and be consistent with high quality standards. This has shaped the Strike Pro into a truly professional manufacturer of distinctive lures. Mutual trust with all our agents is paramount; Strike Pro is now distributing to more than 60 countries around the world. Agents are making their best effort to promote and devote themselves to the brand of “Strike Pro “.

More details about Strike Pro Lures here:


A-SAVA Custom Casting Rod

The angler who catch the longest pike will receive a special designed rod, American Tackle Bushido SWB710/12-25, length 7’10”(2.38) Mod-Fast, lure wt:3/4-3oz (real, up to 150g), line wt:12-25lb, Fuji Alconite guides, American Tackle reel seat and custom cork handle.


Since, always I liked to get my hands dirty, to create and wreck all sorts, especially if they were connected with fishing. I’m not modest, and I will admit I was pretty talented when it came to the meticulous stuff. I started by making my own lures, when lures were still scarce in Romania. Rod building was the natural evolution, considering I always found things I didn’t like about the rods I was buying. If others could do it, I knew I could also. Therefore, ambitious by nature, I ended up making my first rod, sometime in the spring of 2006… The rest is history :).  Andrei Sava – rod builder, World Champion at fishing predators from boat FIPS.

More details about A-Sava Custom Rods here:

4Predators Soft Plastic Lures

Winning teams will receive three boxes with soft plastic lures different models, length, colors.


4Predator is a small soft lure Romanian company founded in 2014, born out from the passion of fishing. From 2014 till now, the company has been in a continuous growing process. In the year 2017, the company is taken over by Relax Spinning Expert (Official distributor of Relax and Fudo). All new models and colors are now designed, created and tested by Robert Boanta, owner of company Relax Spinning Expert and World Champion at fishing predators from boat FIPS.

More details about 4Predators here:

About the Competition

Lapland Pike fishing competition is intended to give maximum freedom to the competitors. with a huge fishing area and free placing of the boats and at the same time introduce the fast growing kayak fishing to Northern Sweden. The area is easy to access with plenty of roads, paths and places accessible by car and trailer. In the river Umeälven You will find plenty of big pike and perch and a limited amount of grayling and trout.

When: August 18-19 2018

Where: Chilla Inn, Kattisavan, Lycksele municipality, Sweden

Competition area: Ume River (Umeälven) within Kattisavan and Blåvikens Fishing area

Boat and Fishing Kayak:

·         Kayak Teams: 2 kayaks, one contestant each; or, one tandem kayak with 2 contestants

·         Boat Teams: Max 2 contestants per boat

Prizes and Strategy

Lapland Pike aims to be one of the year's nicest fishing meet ups. It will be two “ordinary” days of fishing-but with an element of competition, and plenty of opportunities to meet new fishing buddies in a great atmosphere. We do not have any sponsors or outside influence, so we do not have to spend hours doing the volunteer-work the sponsor hunt requires.

Since the prizes are directly related to interest, and number of registered teams, it now feels safe for the organizer, Blåvikens FVO, to increase them:

·         Winning team: 7000 SEK cash

·         Best team – opposite class (Kayak – Boat): 3500 SEK worth of merchandise

·         Individual price – Longest pike: 3500 SEK worth of merchandise



Approved pike: Minimum size 70 cm

Result: The sum in centimeters of the 5 biggest pike during the competition

Registered fish: Documented in the competition sheet + photo against provided measuring board

Measurement: Fish mouth towards the edge of the board to the outer part of the tail fin. Only catch that has been clearly documented with photo against the provided measurement board and with an entry in the written journal will be approved.

Team: Max 2 competitors per team. Kayak teams can consist of two single kayaks or two competitors in a tandem kayak.

Team responsibility:  Every team will use either a smart phone or a digital camera to take picture of their catch. We encourage the use of a smartphone as we plan to use a web-based, mobile-friendly reporting system for gathering data.

If however a team decides to use a digital camera instead, they should please remember to empty their memory card beforehand and to bring their own cables to ease the process of transmitting the images to the controller at the end of each day.


  • Obligatory life west
  • Max 5 knot/30 m distance from other boats or kayaks
  • No alcohol before or during the competition
  • Display sportsmanship towards other teams
  • The participants are responsible for their own safety and insurance
    The competitor committee takes no responsibility for the competitor's safety during the competition or during transport to the competition


  • Spinning and fly fishing, from boat or kayak.
  • Trolling, angling and trawling is not allowed.
  • One rod per participant and only artificial lures.
  • Catch and release is required.
  • Please use a landing net or lipgrip (gaff or similar is prohibited).


Saturday Aug 18th

10.00 Registration. Review of rules, reporting and fishing area at the Tipi-shaped house behind the reception at Chilla Inn Camping in Kattisavan. Equipment will be handed out. (Lunch packages can be purchased at the reception-please order this beforehand by contacting Chilla Inn.)

12.00  Start anywhere within the Umeälven competition area. Contestants are free to launch and move vehicle on land or water before and during competition.

19.00 End of Day 1. Return to Chilla In, Kattisavan. Submission of images and catch journal entries from Day 1. Return the provided measurement board.

21.00 Two coarse dinner. Lecture on World Wide Fishing by Miguel Sanz , Adventura di Pesca, Spain. Pub Night. Live music.

Sunday Aug 19th

09.00 Start of Day 2. Pick up the provided measurement board. Start anywhere within the Umeälven competition area. Contestants are free to launch and move vehicle on land or water before and during competition. (Lunch packages can be purchased at the reception-please order this beforehand by contacting Chilla Inn.)

16.00 End of Day 2. Return to Chilla Inn, Kattisavan. Submission of images and catch journal entries from Day 2. Return the provided measurement board.

18.00 Price Award ceremony:

  • Best team
  • The best team in the opposite class
  • The best individual effort (for longest pike).
  • Final registration day: Monday, August 13th.
  • Final day for payment: Monday, August 13th.
  • Final day for cancellation: Monday, August 13th.

More details on:

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